Monday, 22 April 2013

Sunny Spring Hike (and a quest for fridges)

Thank you so much to all the ladies (as well as the two honorary boys and three dogs) who came on the Spring Hike this Saturday!  

The weather at The Devil's Punchbowl, Hindhead was glorious and everyone survived the first leg of 2.8 miles around the yellow route.  We stopped for lunch (kindly provided by the National Trust cafĂ©). Those that were up for it then carried on to complete the second leg, a 3.1m walk along the red route through the forest.
We raised over £500 on the day for The Harpswell Foundation and my work there this summer which is an enormous amount and brings the total up to £2,200 (with a few more donations still on the way!). 
If you have not yet donated and would like to just click on the DONATE HERE button below (it's really easy and takes no time at all):
 More pictures of the walk are on the Gallery Page.


Fridges - Urgently Needed
The current Leadership Resident in the BT Dorm (Kristen) has been in touch today.  
Here's what she said:

The two dorms only have "…one small mini fridge which makes it nearly impossible for all the food that we eat to stay fresh, resulting in the girls and LR's getting sick pretty often. I think a second mini fridge for both dorms would be a huge help! This has been a problem at Harpswell for a few years, as I have learned from previous LR's..."
Can't believe that no one has thought to mention it already.  One mini fridge for 40 people? Makes being allocated a specific shelf at uni look luxurious (and ours were really grotty).  If transport wasn't an issue I'd seriously consider taking my fridge from home.  It's only really used for coffee and the odd bag of salad (which goes off anyway)...Poor Jon. He's going to come home one day and find I've given everything away. 
I've told Kristen we'll fix it AND that we can do better than a couple of extra mini fridges.  Soo the mission for this week is to find out where you buy two large fridges in Phnom Penh (or buy and ship from London).  If anyone has any ideas that would fantastic. I may need to sort it out when I get there next month.  I know Raffles Hotel Le Royal, Phnom Penh must have one (they managed cappuccinos and pancakes without difficulty)...  
If anyone would like to donate money specifically towards the cost of a fridge (or two) then please do donate via the DONATE HERE button above or on the main page of the blog.  Write "fridge money" in the description and I'll make sure it goes towards the cost!